Race Day Information
Busing. Parking. Road closures. Bookmark this page for the most up-to-date race day information.
Busing & Parking
July 1 – Update – due to social distancing protocols we will not offer busing for 2020. If you already opted in, we will refund your bus fee. Thank you!
- Pick-up location at Great Hall (American Birkebeiner Trailhead)
- Saturday morning only — NO POST EVENT BUSING
- $10 fee per person
- Buses will run continuously from 7:45am and 8:45am (please show up early). First bus will leave at 7:45am, last bus at 8:45am.
Bikes can be dropped off in Hayward Saturday between 5am – 8am in your assigned gate corral with your race plate number attached
Busing Pick-up Location (Google Map Link)
If you’ve already registered for the Chequamegon 40 and would like a spot on the bus contact Cheq Registration Chief, Treva Worrel.
Please avoid filling up the local business lots in Hayward with your vehicles. The area businesses will need their parking spaces for their regular customers while you are out cycling from Point A to Point B. In addition, please observe all posted restrictions and respect private property access when parking on residential side streets.
Great Hall Parking Map
Parking for the finish line and Short & Fat will be in the Airport Field adjacent to the Great Hall/Birkie Start.
- All participants and spectators must come this way
- Bikes can be dropped off in Hayward Saturday between 5am – 8am in your assigned gate corral with your race plate number attached
View Participant and Spectator Map
Parking Lot Recommendations in Hayward
- Parking Lot – Fifth St & Wisconsin Ave.
- Hayward Wesleyan Church lot – Hwy 27 & Nyman Ave
- People’s National Bank lot – Second St. & Dakota Ave
- Hayward Primary & Intermediate School lot – Sixth St. & Minnesota Ave
Hayward City lot – Hwy 63 & Hwy 27
No Parking Areas in Hayward
- Main St between Railroad St and Wittwer Rd
- East side of Nyman between Main Street & Hwy 27 (it’s a bike lane)
Please do not leave your vehicles in local business lots during the event
Hayward Parking Map
Course Safety
The Chequamegon 40 and Short & Fat courses are usually marked by Labor Day weekend. Those planning to pre-ride the course please note that at the beginning and end of the Chequamegon 40 course the route crosses private land for which we have an easement only on race day. Also, sections of the course are on shared use motorized trails. Those users do not anticipate bicycle traffic on their trails other than race weekend, so please use caution and courtesy. Some of the grassy trail sections may not be mowed early in the season. Any questions about the race courses should be directed to the race office at pspencer@lt.life
Road Closures
Town of Spider Lake
- Telemark Road/Spider Lake Fire Lane from Clear Lake Road north to the town line
- Boedecker Road from the town line east to Spider Lake Fire Lane
- Janet Road from the town line north to Boedecker Road
Town of Lenroot
- Boedecker Road from Northern Lights Road east to the town line
- Janet Road from OO north to the town line
Town of Cable
- Spider Lake Fire Lane from Telemark Road south to the town line
- Randysek Road from the Town of Cable south to SMT 22
Selected forest roads normally open to vehicular travel will be temporarily closed during the Saturday running of the Chequamegon 40 and Short & Fat events.
Only rider support vehicles with vehicle passes, race official vehicles, local residents and hunter traffic will be allowed on the following roads from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. during the running of the Chequamegon 40 and Short & Fat events.